Paru le 3 Janv. 2018
ISBN 978-2-07-276293-2
190 pages
18.50 euros

Des néons sous la mer
Je suis capable de tout
Récits B
  Frédéric Ciriez
  Quel obscur désir anime Stéphane Sorge, critique littéraire respecté, alors qu’il enquête sur une jeune booktubeuse consacrant ses coups de cœur vidéo à des dystopies grand public?

Au gré d’une intrigue hypnotique, le bref thriller de Frédéric Ciriez se fait tour à tour drôle, érotique et assassin. Il incarne avec une cruauté loufoque les enjeux actuels de l’industrie culturelle, ses splendeurs déchues, ses leurres en vogue et ses lueurs insoupçonnées. 

The magazine Le Monde des Livres has assigned 39 years old literary journalist Stéphane Sorge, who is at the apex of his career, to do a story on Bettie Leroy, alias BettieBook, a booktuber in vogue. The videos of this young reader of twenty, fascinated with dystopias, are increasingly popular. From two opposite worlds, the ancient and the modern, the protagonists of this novel will size one another up, first via computer screen, then ultimately in the same bed. And so, these two levels of reality will converge, in a love scene surreptitiously filmed and used as a “revenge porn”.
Fréderic Ciriez explores the dark side of contemporary criticism, toying with enigma and tension as the fast-pulsing intrigue plays out. He has a good time throwing a little novelistic bomb into one of his favourite arenas, the criticism of criticism, its shabbiness and its illusions, and he does it with talent. The result is this “thriller”, allegorical but cruelly embodied, witty and provocative, erotic and dystopic, which compels its readers to consider disturbing questions, shakes up a number of stereotypes, and undermines many of the cultural industry’s false pretences.

It's clever, funny, filled with winks and references, all more true and false the ones than the others. It is delicious till to the end.

(Ouest France)

Frédéric Ciriez is an excellent thrower of alert. He writes short, funny he is brutal and unfair : we are crazy about it. (Le Figaro Magazine)